Monday, March 24, 2014

Growing our First Garden!

Spring is here

I celebrated spring by watching my hunky husband till up the garden.
The coffee wasn't going to drink itself.

We constantly have projects lingering that we never quite finish.  It's like writing an article, and you just know the article's going to be great, but you leave it in the "Drafts" folder because you're too lazy to review it and click Publish.

Our house is in a constant state of "Drafts".  Ironically, I've been too lazy to replace the weather stripping around the doors and windows, so the house is usually "drafty."

Well, we've decided to start a garden!  I have been able to regrow green onions and celery to build up confidence.

Anyway, I am so excited about growing our own food!  I love watching the process and seeing them all grow into beautiful healthy adult plants...that we will eventually eat.

We ordered from and I was surprised when my seeds arrived four days after ordering them!  (We are in Mississippi; they are in California...and I ordered like 46 packs of seeds!)

I couldn't wait to get my little seeds started.  We grabbed a couple of these hexagon seed starter trays/greenhouses, some seed starting soil and pots. 

Once the weekend arrived, we boxed in our garden space, tilled up the soil and planted a few plants that could handle the next frost.

Here are all of our seeds.  Some are vegetables and some are flowers.
(some that Danny cross-pollinated!)
There's not much to see now, but we'll get there.  Check back with us in a couple of weeks to see our progress! 

Also, it appears we're going to have to build a make-shift fence around the garden.  It is now a popular place for all four dogs to play in.  Guess they thought we were building them a playground! 

What are you most excited about this spring?  Do you have any gardening tips you could throw our way?  Are you cocky about growing celery?



  1. This is awesome! I wish we had space to do a garden. Good luck!!

    1. Well, thank you! We are fortunate to have a backyard large enough to house a garden. Though, our dogs swear it's a playground for them!

      Thanks for stopping by!
